Song Prompt 2: Revolution By The Beatles
You and I have conversations in my head. Everyday I plead with you to see sense and reason. I see you there and only wish I could move into your head... mostly so I could scream and you would actually hear me. If no one else is strong enough to make you hear than maybe I can be the John Lennon of my generation and cut off Medusa's head. Do you hear me? Standing so far over here? Do you hear me? Can you hear the people that disagree? Do you even care that they think you are wrong? In a general sense, we firmly believe that you should ignore those that speak against you. That you should speak from the heart and go for your dreams… But those that speak like you are rarely speaking of dreams, rarely speaking of truth; you only speak of money and power. You say you want a Revolution. Well, we all want to change the world… The world will be alright. The world will survive you. But when you approach me like that famous duo and try to push your “beliefs” on me, I will use my po...