Song Prompt 1: 500 Miles by the Proclaimers

Hello everybody! I recently had an idea to see if I could write a story based on music I heard. Now, this song (500 miles by the Proclaimers) in particular was chosen for me by the White Viking. He seemed to think this was an impossible song. Let's see how I did... 

He was so in love. He still was not sure as to exactly when it hit him, but god was he in love with her. They had gotten a little apartment on the East End of Manhattan. It was their one bedroom safe haven and every single time she walked in the door he was genuinely happy to see her.

They had met in college. She was in marketing and he was in the arts. It took him a long time to get up the nerve to ask her out but when he finally did her sole response was “God that took you forever.” She than simply smiled and walked away. He watched her go in complete shock.
From that day forward they were inseparable. Some would say he followed her around like a puppy but he simply knew what he wanted. And what he wanted was to be the man that woke up next to her, got drunk with her… the man that was always with her. He would easily walk 500 miles for her.

By the Northern Rose


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